Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've been hearing from lots of concerned family members around B.C. responding to my June 11 column on the major changes afoot for British Columbians with developmental disabilities.

The push is on for an end to the group-home model for people with mental handicaps, a change that pleases the families who like the idea of a more independent living situation for their loved ones, but terrifies those who have had bad experiences with private homes (increased isolation, more risk of abuse going undetected, less stable as a "permanent" housing solution, etc).

It seems like a good time to post the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Disabled. Take a look at Article 3, which notes that giving people the right to choose what happens to them is a basic principle in the Convention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Compare 'independent' elder care, foster care, Children in the Home of a Relative and independent living for people with disabilities.

BC Liberal MCFD Minister Polak has - in the words of a Vancouver Sun editorial - "taken a see-no-evil, hear-no-evil approach to the risk identified by Turpel-Lafond."

Heaven help the handicapped.